Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another painting test...

Not enough energy to work on my light this evening, so i did a quick trumpet vine study to continue my texturing techniques:

Things I learned:
1. work BIG!
2. check perspective!
3. organize layers!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Normal, AO, and Emissive maps, Oh My!

Next on the UDK to do list - making a light! (Hopefully this post will get me motivated!)

First - baking my high to low poly normal map (exhaustive normal map article HERE), texturing (and baking AO), and creating the glow map.

After the light is done I plan to tackle THIS, but I have to get the light done first!

Quick preview of what I plan to make:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Painting practice

OK - been a bit slow as I've been recovering from a gnarly staph infection. If you've never had one before, my suggestion is that you keep it that way.

Anyhoo, a bit of a different update this week. I'm brushing up on my PS skills :) as I'm preparing to begin some texture work on my scene. This little guy is the result of random doodling and trying various techniques:

his name is Sumthin, and he kept me laughing the whole process...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

QuakeCon 2011 - John Carmack Keynote

Great new 3D engine technology coming our way from id. Always the inovator, this time the company does away with traditional texture mapping (no complaints here).

Hear about it all in this youbube vid.

First comment sums it all up:

(about JC) Dude taught himself aerospace engineering for fun. AMD, NVIDIA, INTEL design drivers and hardware to suit his code. Wrote a game engine on his honeymoon.